screen |skr_n| |skrin| |skri_n| noun • a blank, typically white or silver surface on which a photographic image is projected : the world's largest movie screen • movies or television; the motion-picture industry : she's a star of the stage as well as the screen. verb [ trans. ] • protect (someone) from something dangerous or unpleasant • evaluate or analyze (something) for its suitability for a particular purpose or application

Friday, December 25, 2020


Pete Docter is a thinker, that one. He challenges himself to manifest dreams, anxieties, and complications of the human psyche more than most contemporary artists; depicting with childlike simplicity the roots of human motivation. By doing so, he also pushes feature animation to its greatest potential. Sure, it’s nice to see pretty colors and hyper-real scenery. But to create a character out of a cynical, unfinished “soul” who has yet to find her “spark” is a deep dive. And to animate that idea into a little talking blob filled with existential angst, and make her relatable to a mass audience, is a rousing ambition. Despite all the marketing and brouhaha, this isn’t about JAZZ. It could be about anything in the human spectrum; what they sometimes call "the calling." But sure: the music is good, and the animated depiction of music is cool. But the big swing for the emotional fences is what makes this special. Certainly one of the best movies of the year.

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