Lucasfilm and Zach Snyder developed this as a
Star Wars movie. And then it was dumped, but still filmed as a non-Star-War. Remember when Trader Joe's use to sell their Dr. Pepper rip-off “Dr. Joes”? It’s kind of like that. A knock-off. So, on the surface, it still really feels like a Star War. But the Jedi universe mines the nature of good and evil and lots of pseudo-philosophy to keep it interesting.
Rebel Moon is all about grain. No, really. Lke: “The fascists are stealing our grain. We have to rise up and stop them, so the wonderful grain we grow can be ours, and we can make bread and tortillas and stuff.” And the
Magnificent Seven plot plays out after that. The designs are wonderous, to be sure. But the plot and the heroes feel like fan-fiction – great warriors in courageous, highly-sparkly battles, but their purpose lacks emotional weight.