screen |skr_n| |skrin| |skri_n| noun • a blank, typically white or silver surface on which a photographic image is projected : the world's largest movie screen • movies or television; the motion-picture industry : she's a star of the stage as well as the screen. verb [ trans. ] • protect (someone) from something dangerous or unpleasant • evaluate or analyze (something) for its suitability for a particular purpose or application

Monday, April 22, 2024

Rebel Moon – Part Two: The Scargiver

I checked out the latest space opera where a group of farmers on a small moon rise up and rebel against the fascists with their laser guns and their laser swords. There’s a bunch of robots and spaceships the special effects are pretty good. Is it a Star War? No, it is not. For better or worse, you have to hand it to Sofia Boutella. The Algerian dancer is not particularly famous, although she’s been in a few big movies. But she’s fully committed; fighting and crying and shaving her head. She can kick ass and be vulnerable. And this entire Zack Snyder series is resting on her shoulders. (One thing you can say absolutely for certain is she’s a MUCH better actor than Gina Carano.) Certain sequences in this are awesome and beautiful to behold, but others are so corny and plastic. Snyder is still in love with slow motion and glowing, burning embers flying at the actors. Everything is too much of this, too much of that. There’s no modulation from the overly important, serious tone. So, it’s a mixed bag.

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